March 5
Day 266: Living in the Land of Addiction I recall a conversation with a schoolteacher I was subbing for that day. Somehow we got on the subject of addictions. And how we all worship something. He heartily disagreed with me, telling me that he was addicted to nothing, and didn't worship anything. But I also […]
March 4
Day 265: Faith Instead of Logic This may come off like a ramble, but go with me... I'm reading these days in 1 Samuel about David finding creative ways to evade king Saul. He was creative, because he was desperate. David was forced into a life on the run that required he constantly imagine his […]
March 3
Day 264: Since the Day You Met Him When asked about Christianity, Gandhi said, "I like your Christ. I don't like your Christians." He observed the hypocrisy in Christ's followers, and chose not to join. He had concluded that Christ's followers were not any different than anyone else. And he concluded that His followers did […]
March 2
Day 263: Scrutiny The story of David and Goliath is well-known. It may be one of the first Bible stories any of us ever heard. There are even secular writers who've accessed the story to encourage their readers to "Face Your Goliaths." Of course, the story of David facing and killing the giant came with […]