July 11
Day 119: Treason Continuing some thoughts from yesterday. (And I have no idea how I could wake up on a rainy Saturday morning thinking about this.) Bear with me. When any "in the church" find themselves more captivated by and more trusting in terrestrial governments than they are with The celestial government, division will follow. […]
July 10
Day 118: Behavior Follows Belief I'd previously thought we had become two churches - actual and virtual; those willing to gather in person, and those not. Accommodations for both are in place (involving both sand, and bad camera angles.) We may have a third church imbedded - the folks who are willing to gather in […]
July 9
Day 117: Looking Forward Through the Rear View Mirror I read yesterday how US States with a big uptick in Covid positive tests are being encouraged to start over again. To return to shelter-in-place. Phase 1. One article I read said, "The past 3 months mean nothing; this is a do over." Discouraging, for sure. […]
July 8
Day 116: What Have I Been Forgiven Of? Ezekiel was a good Jewish guy, a priest who ended up spending most of his adult life in Babylonian exile. Maybe he knew Jeremiah. Maybe Daniel was a neighbor. God spoke through Ezekiel during a twenty year period (ages 20 through 40, which matched exactly what would […]