July 3
Day 111: Choose Your Liberator Jeremiah tells us of how the remaining Jews fled Jerusalem, under the imposing threat of the Babylonians. They even forced Jeremiah to go with them. Through Jeremiah, God had told the people to stay put and submit to those who would conquer them. They would be given "their lives as […]
July 2
Day 110: Church Family that Endures Pastors talk shop. A lot. We're not good at separating our lives from our vocation. It's not a question of identity, but rather what most of us spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about. In just the past week or so, the conversations among pastors centers on change. […]
July 1
Day 109: Closer than a Brother I didn't grow up with brothers. It was just Dad and me. And women. We were outnumbered. My father tells me the day he dropped me off at college to begin my freshman year was one of his hardest days. Not because he would miss me (though he would), […]
June 30
Day 108: Us Included Even to the very end, God's OT people didn't want to be God's people. Their sovereignty as a nation was coming to a screeching halt in their generation; with brutal finality. 2 Chronicles 36 tells the reader why it had come to this. "The LORD, the God of their fathers, sent […]