June 2
Day 80: Hopeful Good News Really? 80 days? That's like Noah and his animal friends staying on the big boat twice as long! (This has nothing to do with the following.) Everyone in our culture is looking for hope. Hoping the fears and restrictions of the coronavirus end soon. Hoping the civil unrest in our […]
June 1
Day 79: Surrounded by Deep Waters This past week has really been something to behold. An unarmed man is mercilessly killed by police in Minneapolis. Resultant protests turn into violent riots that continue on, across the nation and in several other countries. Closer to home, late last week the UA system announced that UAS is […]
May 31
Day 78: Like the Morning Dew? Reading the (first half) of the prophet Hosea this morning, I'm left contemplating how it is that we are so forgetful. Speaking through Hosea, God uses the analogy of Israel and Judah being like prostitutes, but prostitutes who actually run after paying lovers. Hosea 6:4 What shall I do […]
May 30
Day 77: No Other Oracle Needed File this under stuff nobody but me finds time to read. During the time of the OT Jewish prophets, the ancient Greeks were almost always at war, either with the always threatening Persians, or between themselves. For about 1,000 years, these same Greeks rarely did anything without consulting the […]