
April 2

Day 19: Necessary alignment. I'm sensing my own emotional reserves depleting. Yesterday (and now today) I find myself on edge. Deb saw (endured with grace) that in me too, to my shame. My late afternoon speed walk didn't "fix me" the way I had hoped. This early morning, while driving to Paul's house for our […]

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April 1

Day 18: When will some of us crash? I laughed out loud this morning when I read Psalm 38:11..."My friends and companions stand aloof from my plague, and my nearest kin stand far off." Like we all can't relate, eh? Get ready for a bunch of long sentences. My departed (former high school English teacher) […]

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March 31

Day 17: Imagining potential challenges to our eventual re-emergence 1 Samuel is a fun book to read, with lots of stories that easily convert to coloring pages for our little ones on Sundays. 2 Samuel not so much. I find it to be sad in a lot of ways. Try to hang with me through […]

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March 30

Day 16: cold, really windy, and the struggle is real A friend of mine who lives in Walla Walla - so maybe she's my friend friend (?) - posted the following this morning (with my adaptations)... "You’ve heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? My husband and I have come up with a new diagnosis - […]

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